Wednesday, August 30, 2006

God brought me a soccer mom

I've been having a hard time posting to my blog for the past week or so. I sit there and can't even think of anything worthy to share. It was a hard week while Dale was gone and thing have gotten back to normal over the past few days. Actually things have just been getting better and better over the past 2 days. Last night Dale and I spent some time with an old co worker of his that he hasn't seen in over 10 years. You can read more about that on Dale's blog. The subject of my blog today is about a new friend of mine. It all started about a month ago when Aaric started soccer. We had a parent meeting and I met this man named Paul and his son Gabriel. We just started talking on the way to the parking lot after the meeting. The following Thursday we had our first practice. The woman walked up to me and said " Hi my name is Cynthia. I hope this is the right team, I wasn't at the meeting but my son said he recognized you." I told her that I had met her husband and her son at the meeting. We've been talking at practice each Thursday and then at our first game last weekend. She told me that she has a house cleaning business. My mother in law and I have had this woman cleaning our homes for quite a while but lately the work hasn't been so great. We talked about finding someone else and I told her I would ask Cynthia if she could come and give us an estimate. So here comes the great part. Today she came over to our houses to look around and let us know what she could do and what it would cost. I was super happy with what she had to offer but that's not even the best part. Once we got down the street to MaryAnn's house she started to mention things that let us know she was a Christian. She started telling us about being in homes and praying over these homes and families. You could really see the love of Jesus in her. She told us a few stories of praying for people and finding out later how much they really needed that. One man has cancer and another elderly woman is estranged from her son. She has been able to touch these people's lives in more than just cleaning their houses. I already really liked her just meeting her at the soccer field but today I got to know her in a different way and felt a real connection to her. She gave me a big hug before she left. So right now I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I have a super great new cleaning person and a great new Christian friend. It's amazing what God will give you even when you don't ask for it!! There are some of you who will read this that I already have a great relationship with. I appreciate and love you more than you know. But there are more of you that I want to get to know better, and build a great relationship with too. I love you all !!!


BegoƱa said...

I love the way you open up your heart to all of us. You come across as real as you are. It is an honor for me to have you as my friend. I can only imagine the impact your family can have on everybody you meet while taking your kids to their sports practices.
I love you and your family. Thank you for keeping it real!!

Vicki said...

What a great ministry this woman has by praying over her clients homes! What an awesome way to model "living Christ" everyday. Great post!

Wealthedge said...

I'm getting to know my wife better day after day through her blog! I love this medium that allows us to open up and talk without fear or embarrassment!

Yeah, Cynthia was pretty cool .. she's loud like me .. I dig her for that .. :)

See everyone soon! Love you babe!


Wealthedge said...

Crystal and Sandie,

There is a House Cleaning Fairy. She owns a house cleaning business and is hired and paid to clean houses.

It's real easy .. :)
